too much to say, I end up saying nothing
It has become more apparent to me that I am not a consistent blogger. I guess I get overwhelmed at times, or am just too lazy to take the time to sit down and write it all down. distracted again.... to be continued...
(several hours later...)...back again.
On Friday night, went to see Laurie Anderson perform at UCLA with my friend Ben. Though I had heard of her before, I was not familiar with her work. I was blown away -- her performance mainly consisted of spoken word -- poetic stream of consciousness... about fear, politics, change, her pet dog... and how they all relate... weaved together by electronic violin/keyboard sounds. Made me realize how amazing it is to have a work-life centered around art/creative self-expression. Guess if I had more guts, I'd be a video maker. Well, as Yoda said to Luke, either do, or do not (currently watching the making of the Stars Wars Trilogy). And I want to do more videos... (to be continued)
Tried out a couple new Yoga studios the past few days. Yesterday, went to hot naked yoga. I'm still not fully comfortable being naked around others... but am learning to get over it. I wouldn't replace my regular yoga practice with this, but it was a fun change of pace... and I'm all for doing it again.
Though I have found pleasure in shedding material belongings these days, I have simultaneously found great pleasure in some new ones. I just got a Powerbook a couple weeks ago. Wandering/bumming around town in LA, without a place to call my own, its been great to have something to tie together so much of life... e-mailing/chatting/internet... photos... and my music collection. I hung on to my pride of my CD collection for so long... with so much of my money through High School, college, and beyond, spent on CD's. Guess, its time to let go of those days as well. Now, more than before its about the experience of the music, and less about the " disc collection." And I am happy about that.